Calcium Carbide

Application Areas: Production of acetylene gas and nitrogenous fertilizer, besides medical, plastic and textile industries as well as desulphurization reagent in steel industry. Acetylene Gas Generation: The main application of calcium carbide is when reacting with water to generate acetylene gas which is used for welding and cutting.  It is also used in the chemical industry. Desulphuriser: Carbide is used as a desulphurising agent in the metallurgical industry to remove sulphur from the iron before it is converted in the BOF (Basic Oxygen Furnace). It is a blend of mainly carbide with some additives such as lime, fluorspar and anthracite.  The composition of...

Application Areas:
Production of acetylene gas and nitrogenous fertilizer, besides medical, plastic and textile industries as well as desulphurization reagent in steel industry.

Acetylene Gas Generation: The main application of calcium carbide is when reacting with water to generate acetylene gas which is used for welding and cutting.  It is also used in the chemical industry.

Desulphuriser: Carbide is used as a desulphurising agent in the metallurgical industry to remove sulphur from the iron before it is converted in the BOF (Basic Oxygen Furnace). It is a blend of mainly carbide with some additives such as lime, fluorspar and anthracite.  The composition of the final blend depends on the customer’s requirement and the specific process.  

Deoxidiser: Carbide is also used for FeO and MnO deoxidation in the steel industry.  These oxides are introduced in the steel after furnace or converter tapping.  Due to the use of calcium carbide in the process, economical benefits could be reached.

•    Size: 50x80 mm - Gas Yield: 280 (+/-10)    lt/kg
•    Size: 25x50 mm - Gas Yield: 275 (+/-10)    lt/kg
•    Size: 7x25 mm - Gas Yield: 265 (+/-10)    lt/kg
•    Size: 4x7 mm     - Gas Yield: 250 (+/-10)    lt/kg
•    Size: 0x4 mm     - Gas Yield: 230 (+/-10)    lt/kg

Chemical Composıition (for 50X80 mm.):
•    CaC2: % 74 - 77
•    CaO: % 17 - 21
•    SiO2: % 3 max.
•    Fe2O3: % 1,2 max.
•    Al2O3: % 1,5 max.

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